Tally.ERP9 is the one of the best
ERP Accounting software in the World. It improve its features day by day, every
release has a new feature according to Indian Accounting Standards. Why I m
telling about Indian Accounting Standards, because Tally.ERP9 is very
successful software in India .
I was post lots of tutorial on Tally.ERP9, but this time I talk with you about
a great feature of Tally.ERP9, Today we know about a amazing feature of
Tally.ERP9, a unique option in Tally is copy a ledger group, inventory, voucher
type from a company to another company (with full details & configuration).
However, A accountant maintain lots of companies in Tally.ERP9, some companies
are group with each other, some are subsidiaries companies & some are
holding companies. Some accounts (debtors, creditors, loans, banks, expenses,
income etc.) are same in lots of companies. For Example, I maintain two company
in Tally.ERP9.
1st is ABC Limited & 2nd is XYZ
Limited, & a party Goga International is dealing with both companies in
same manner (it means Goga International Sales items from both companies,
therefore Goga international is shows Creditor in both companies). 1st
we create a ledger in ABC Limited named Goga International (see below picture).
Above image is show how to create
a sundry creditor with advance entries, XYZ Limited has the same ledger with
same configuration. So what you can do? You exit from ABC Limited, select XYZ
Limited & then you go account info, ledger & create. Its too lengthy
& time wasting option.
When you create above creditor in
ABC Limited you must open XYZ Limited in your gateway of tally sidebar. (See
below image).
After create ledger (Goga
International), exit from ledger creation & select alter-> Goga
International, Press F3 (This option shows you change the Company) select XYZ
Limited & Press Ctrl + A or select yes when say to accept the ledger
creation, exit Tally.ERP9 now (its not necessary to exit the program, but for
safety reason make sure to exit), reopen the program & see both companies have
same ledger with same configuration. (See
below image).
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