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Lesson 68 - How to create a Invoice with multiple Tax category

How to create a Invoice with multiple Tax category

Recently a viewer send a mail for configure multiple tax calculation in a single invoice. 

The Question was "How do I write an invoice that has a service and stock item for a customer in Tally?"
If a invoice have taxable stock item then tax/ vat calculation show in invoice and if services included in invoice then service tax will also include in invoice.

So how it is working in Tally. ERP9. 

Create Sundry Debtors Ledger, under head of Sundry Debtors
Create  Sales @ 12.5% Ledger, under sales of Sales (any taxable sales @ 12.5% or @ 5% or any)
Create  Services rendered Ledger, under sales of Services Provide 
Create  Output Vat @ 12.5% Ledger, under Duties & Taxes of Output Vat @ 12.5% or 5%

For creating such type of invoice you must configure Inventory in your books. After create all the ledger account go to voucher entry and create entry like below image:

You can see in above image, there is taxable product and taxable services comes together in single invoice with automatic calculation. 

Now It's done. If you have any problem then you can download sample data.

Click here for sample data Download process below

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  1. Thank you for sharing information with us. Keep on sharing the content like this. VAT Audits in UAE

  2. Check Out the VAT Rate of your country.


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