Q1: Who is ultimate responsible for creation of E-way Bill?
The responsibility is cast on the registered person who causes the movement of goods. Hence, primary liability to raise E-way bill is on consignor. However, if consignor fails to generate the e-way bill, it may be generated by transporter also.
Q2: Whether an e-way bill is required to be generated for movement of goods from one unit of the company to another unit through own vehicle located within 50 km?
Yes, Part A is mandatory. Relation is for Part B only in case where good moves between principle place of business of consigner or consignee to transporter place of business.
Q3: How many times can Part-B or Vehicle number be updated for an e-way bill?
EWB can be updated any number of times until
1. Goods reached to destination.
2. Maximum validity come to an end.
Q4: For the purpose of calculation of distance and validity, does it needs to be checked from the date and time of generation of individual e-way bill or whether the same needs to be calculated from the time of generation of consolidated e-way bill?
Consolidated e-way bill is like a trip sheet and it contains details of different e-way bill which are moving towards one direction, and these e-way bills will have different validity periods. Hence, consolidated e-way bill is not having any independent validity period. However, individual e-way bills in the consolidated e-way bill should reach the destination as per its validity period. It is also worth noting that the date of invoice/delivery challan is not relevant for determining the beginning time of E-way bill.
Q5: Whether E-way bill is required to be generated for movement of exempted goods also?
Notification No. 3/2018 has provided that E-way bill is not required to be generated for movement of goods covered under Notification No. 2/2017-Central Tax (rate). This Notification covers all exempted categories of goods. Hence, there is no need to generate E-way bill when a person is causing movement of exempted category of goods except de-oiled cake.
Q6: Whether e-way bill needs to be generated for sales returns, rejection etc.?
Yes, e-way bill needs to be generated for any movement of goods.
Q7: What has to be entered in GSTIN column, if consignor or consignee is not having GSTIN?
If the consigner or consignee is unregistered taxpayer and not having GSTIN, then user has to enter ‘URP’ [Unregistered Person] in corresponding GSTIN column.
Q8: Whether validity of e-way bill starts from update of Vehicle number or even on update of Transporter ID?
The e-way bill is said to be generated when the details related to vehicle number is furnished in Part B of FORM GST EWB-01. Therefore, the validity of e-way bill will start from the date when the vehicle number will is updated in such Form not merely on updating Transporter ID.
Q9: Whether separate registration is required for transporters to get transporter ID even though they are registered under GST and have a valid GSTIN. In other words, do all transporters need to get TRAN ID?
No, if a transporter is registered under GST and having a valid GSTIN then such transporter need not again obtain TRAN ID and instead his 15 digits GSTIN can itself be used as TRAN ID. However, an unregistered transporter needs to possess a valid TRAN ID in all cases. Unless the 15 digits transporter id is not entered, the transporter will not be assigned to the said e-way bill.
Q10: Is it mandatory to mention HSN code in the E-way bill considering that supplier having aggregate turnover less than Rs. 1.5 Crore may raise invoice without mentioning the HSN code?
HSN details are mandatory in Part A of the E-Way Bill online portal and hence the same would be required to be mentioned.
Q11: In case of High Sea Sale Transactions – Whether E-way bill is required?
E-way bill is required for movement of goods within the country. In case of High Sea Sales as the supply is affected before the goods cross the custom frontiers of India, E-way bill is not required to be generated. When the ultimate buyer files bill of entry, he is required to generate e-way bill for movement of goods from port to his place of business.
Q12: Whether multiple invoices can be clubbed in one E way bill? If yes, then to what extent?
Q13: If the goods are supplied to SEZ within the State, whether E-way bill is required to be generated as the supply of goods to SEZ is considered to be inter-state supply under IGST Act?
Supply to SEZ is considered as inter-state supply under GST Law. However, generation of E-way bill is linked to movement of goods not supply of goods. Hence, when goods are supplied to SEZ located within the State, it could be said to be inter-state supply for levy of GST purpose, but there may not be need to generate E-way bill as it does not involve interstate movement of goods. However, once e-way bill is implemented for intra state supplies, there will be need to generate e-way bill for supplies to SEZ.
Q14: Whether fresh e-way bill could be generated for the consignment on expiring of earlier issued e-way bill, if yes the how these both e-way bills will appear in the portal?
No, the supplier is not allowed to generate a new e-way bill (except in some exceptional circumstances) where the e-way bill generated earlier has expired. The goods should not be moved further on expiration of e-way bill.
Q15: In case of accident to vehicle or stuck due to natural calamity when the goods are in transit– what shall be the status of e-way bill?
If accident happens on the road and vehicle is required to be changed, the transporter/registered person who has furnished details in Part A has to change the details of vehicle in Part B of the E-Way bill. The E-way bill issued earlier shall continue to be valid till the expiry of the validity period.
Q16: Normally, it happens that the goods are transported from the place of supplier to the transporter’s hub where these are sorted out based on the destination and goods are loaded on the vehicle for single destination. This process could take 5-7 days at the transporter’s warehouse and the validity of E-way bill may expire during this period. How to take care of such situation?
E-way bill rules have not specifically addressed these natures of practical scenarios. If the distance of transporter’s hub is less than 50 KM from the place of business of consignor, then Part B of the E-way bill may not be required to be generated for movement from place of business to transporter’s hub and above problem may not arise.
However, where distance is beyond 50 km and such nature of transactions repeatedly happen, the supplier may have to add the transporter’s hub as additional place of business in its GSTIN. The goods may be sent to the transporter’s place based on the delivery challan based on one E-way bill. When goods are actually dispatched from the transporter’s place to the destination, another e-way bill may be generated based on tax invoice.
Q17: What happens if e-way bill is generated but no movement took place and if e-way bill is not cancelled?
In case e-way bill is generated but no movement of goods took place, it may be cancelled within 24 hours from the time of its generation. However, if the same is not cancelled within 24 hours, then the system would not allow the cancellation by consignor. In such a situation, one can request recipient to reject the e-way bill at his end in the common portal within 72 hours of its generation. However, if the time period for rejection of 72 hours also lapses then no mechanism is provided in the rules. Therefore, it is very important that all e-way bills that are not supported by proper movement of goods or are invalid or wrongly generated must be immediately cancelled.
Q18: Whether e-way has to be generated immediately at the time of generation of raising of invoice or there could be time gap between two documents?
E-way bill is required to be generated before the commencement of movement of goods. There is no time limit prescribed within which it has to be generated from the date/time of invoice. Hence, there could be gap (even in number of days) between date/time of invoice and time of generation of e-way bill.
Q19: A dealer of car, transport the unregistered vehicle from his warehouse to his showroom for display and sale to customer. How should E-way bill to be generated?
E-Way Bill has to be generated for movement of all goods unless it is covered in the exempted category of lists. Vehicle itself is covered within definition of goods. Hence, E-way bill has to be generated when new vehicle is moved from the warehouse to showroom for sale to customers. However, in case the new vehicle has not been assigned RTO number, there could be problem in generating Part B of the E-way bill. This has to be suitably addressed.
Q20: What happens if unregistered person supplying consignment for value more than 50K to end user (unregistered)?
Every registered buyer or supplier causing the movement of goods shall in respect of such goods issue an e-way bill. In case the e-way bill is not issued by any of them, transporter shall in respect of them, may issue an e-way bill.
Q21: How GSTR-1 will is auto populated in case of job work. In case of job work only services charges received by job workers. How will GSTR-1 will be reconciled.
In case where goods are transported by job worker, the e-way bill will be generated on the basis of Delivery Challan not on the basis of tax invoice issued by job worker for job work charges. As we understand that the value of goods moved on the basis of delivery challan is not to be reported in GSTR-1 and neither there is mention of Tax Invoice issued by job worker for job work charges in E-way bill, no data would be auto populated in the GSTR-1 of the job worker.
Q22: What happens when there is a change of Transporter Company, E way bill generated for transporter A and he hands over goods after some movement to transporter B?
Sub rule (5A) has been inserted under Rule 138 of CGST Rules 2017, which provides that the consignor, consignee or the transporter may assign the e-way bill number to another registered or enrolled transporter for updating the information in Part-B of FORM GST EWB-01 for further movement of consignment. But once the details have been uploaded in Part B by the transporter, such e-way bill number shall not be allowed to be assigned to any other transporter. Hence, any changes in the Part B of E-Way bill may be made only by the Transporter “A” not by Transporter “B”.
Q23: If transporter name, GR Number and vehicle number is updated in the portal without transporter ID and subsequently due to breakdown of vehicle, we are compelled to hire different transporter for subsequent transit, how to change transporter name & GR details because provision is made only for change of vehicle number?
Once E way bill is completely generated, it cannot be edited. The registered person who has furnished the details in Part A of the E-way Bill can amend the vehicle details. In the absence of transporter ID, the transporter cannot update the vehicle details. Hence, it is suggested to always mention the Transporter ID to avoid such unwarranted consequences.
Q24: In case of multimodal transport, where for first mile it is required to generate an e-way bill for road, second, mile by train and last mile by road. These transporters could be same service providers or different service providers. How to generate an e-way bill in this situation?
Where the e-way bill is generated and goods are to be transported from one conveyance to the other in course of transit, the transporter causing further movement of goods shall be required to update its details in Part – B of the e-way bill before the movement of such goods commences. Therefore, even in case of multi-modal transport initially, e-way bill must be generated giving the details of the vehicle carrying the goods by road. Once the goods are unloaded from this vehicle and loaded in the train, part B of E-way bill needs to be updated. Upon final transit of goods from rail to truck at last mile, part B must be further updated with the details of the vehicle carrying the goods for final delivery.
Q25: What if there is change in the ownership of the goods in the course of transportation of goods from one place to another. What shall be validity of earlier E-way bill?
In such transactions, the second party (i.e. the original buyer) would have to generate a fresh E-Way Bill for sale made to third party (i.e. ultimate buyer) in the course of transit.
Q26: How to generate the e-way bill, if the goods of one invoice are being moved in multiple vehicles simultaneously?
The supplier shall issue the complete invoice before dispatch of the first consignment;
The supplier shall issue a delivery challan for each of the subsequent consignments, giving reference to the invoice;
Each consignment shall be accompanied by copies of the corresponding delivery challan along with a duly certified copy of the invoice; and
The original copy of the invoice shall be sent along with the last consignment.
Q27: How to enter invoice and who shall have to enter the details of e-way bills and how distance must be computed in case of “Bill to” and “Ship to” transaction?
Bill to and Ship to = same business: 1 EWB is sufficient
Bill to and ship to = Different person: 2 EWB is required
1 for first invoice
For example, A has issued invoice to B as 'Bill to' with C as 'Ship to'. Legally, both B and C are different taxpayers. Now, A will generate one e-way bill and B will issue invoice and generate one more e-way bill. As goods are moving from A to C directly, the transporter will produce both the invoices and e-way bills to show the shortcut movement of goods.
Q28:A person has purchased a new mobile phone worth 1,00,000/- and carrying with him on motorized vehicle. Whether e-way bill is required to be generated?
It appears that if the movement is caused by a registered person, E-way bill is required to be generated for goods exceeding value of Rs.50,000/-.
Q29:A person has been shifting his households from one state to another on account of job change. Whether E-way bill is required to be generated?
Used personal and household effects have been covered in the Annexure to the Rule 138 in respect of which E-way bill is not required to be generated. Hence, such person is not required to generate E-way bill in such cases.
Q30: How to consider consignment value in case goods is being moved for renting purpose. Do we need to take the value of goods or value of the rent charged on goods?
The consignment value is the value of goods to be determined under section 15 of the CGST Act including applicable tax thereon. The rent charged represents the value of service portion whereas E-way bill is to be generated for the value of goods for which movement is to be undertaken. Hence, in such cases, the value to be considered should be of the goods not the rental charges charged by the supplier of services. The movement could be based on delivery challan based on which e-way bill may be generated
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